Anasazi Document Extractor

This utility meets a very specific need for organizations using Anasazi/Cerner CBH software. Organizations using that software, and particularly organizations looking to move to another software package, realize that there isn’t an easy way to get the clinical documentation out of the system.  This can necessitate keeping the CBH software up and running for a number of years just so you can reference past clinical documents electronically.

This utility is designed to address that issue.  Within CBH, there is an option to “Print Clinical Documents”.   This utility interacts with that report and in an automated way, runs that report for a list of clients, outputting the report to a separate PDF for each client.

This utility accepts a list of case numbers and client names to determine who it will run the report for.  It also uses that information to create PDF file names with the client names and case numbers so that they are easily located later.

You can create that list of cases however you want, but you could make a list of cases from a particular unit or subunit to create a set of PDFs for just that group.  Then you could move those PDFs to a location secured for access by only those working in that area.

There is an evaluation copy of this available upon request.  The evaluation copy is fully functional but is limited to processing 10 clients at a time.  You can use this to see exactly how it works and to verify that it will work in your environment.

Contact me now to get the evaluation copy sent out!